We are our own harshest critic, however cliche, it is true. Think about the person you care for most in this world...and now imagine telling them this, "You aren't dedicated enough to succeed in this diet, you are out of shape and lazy, you will fail again". You couldn't possibly say that to your loved ones, right? Then why do we say it to ourselves time and time again?
You have to reprogram your brain to stop using the emotional drivers and start using strategic decision making. In Steven Pressfield's, "The War of Art", he talks about our internal "resistance" and how it is self-generated and self-perpetuated. Seth Godwin, a public intellectual and best seller, talks about how we operate in the "backward compass of the lizard brain", and that most of our decisions are actually made subconsciously and only after the fact do we make excuses for them.
By keeping that upfront in consciousness and reminding ourselves daily of that (we are on the right path, we can succeed, we deserve it) we can reprogram our brains to fight through the resistance and not give up. Naturally our brains have evolved to protect us both physically and psychologically. Making "safe" decisions is what it will revert to. Unfortunately, safe decisions lead to comfort, and our comfort doesn't lead to success it leads to excuses, procrastination, and quitting. We must be pushed into discomfort, fail, learn, and only then can we succeed. Purposefully reminding yourself that you are worth it, you can do it, you are on the right path, will put you in the mindset of being task oriented rather than making excuses to pick the safe option. The key isn't to reach the apex but rather to hold on just long enough until you have tasted just some success. Then you can transform.
I make all of my clients set smaller goals and remind themselves daily that they are on the right path. It has worked time and time again.